About Us

Our Story

We believe in the power of community and strive to make a difference both locally and globally. With a ministry-minded approach, we actively engage in various initiatives that give back to society. Fulfilling our purpose in life is not just a goal but a responsibility we hold close to our hearts.

This realization serves as the foundation upon which we build bridges across divides and strive to make a tangible difference. As we continue this journey, our dedication to meaningful change remains resolute, and our dedication to living out our purpose with purpose remains unyielding.

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Ralph Page

I was born into a farming family in ND, where my early influences were my Great Uncle and Grandfather. My uncle, an AG Extension agent, conducted various experiments on the banks of the Red River in Grand Forks, ND, growing peaches and exploring the wonders of agriculture. Meanwhile, I found myself becoming the hands and feet of my grandfather, deeply engaged in the garden and orchard. Those formative years of digging, planting, climbing, and learning from both of them instilled in me a profound love for plants and nature.

With a BA in Horticulture from NDSU and over 25 years of MNLA certification, my journey in the world of plants has been enriched with knowledge and expertise. For three decades, I had the privilege of working with one of the top 5 wholesale nurseries in the nation. This experience not only honed my skills but also deepened my appreciation for the beauty that well-designed landscapes can bring to any environment.

Our Passion

At the heart of our work lies an unwavering passion for plants and a commitment to creating breathtaking landscapes. Witnessing how the right combination of flora can transform any space into a picturesque scene drives us every day.

Giving Back

With a deep sense of community and a ministry-minded approach, we actively engage in initiatives that make a difference both locally and globally. Fulfilling our life’s purpose is not just a goal but a heartfelt responsibility we hold dear.
Join us on this journey of botanical wonders and let us craft a landscape that will leave you in awe. Together, we can embrace the beauty of nature and create lasting impressions.
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